
"Aesthetic Anarchy": Elena Bajo, Sara MacKillop, Cristiana Palandri, November 13 - January 8, 2012.


Elena Bajo, "A Script for a Form", a Performa11 program, November 13.


Jonathan VanDyke, "With One Hand Between Us", a Performa11 program, November 2 - 6.


Seher Shah, "Object Anxiety", September 7 - October 30.


Paul Branca, "Waitings", June 19 - August 12.


Marc Breslin, "Refuse", in collaboration with the New Museum of Contemporary Art Festival of Ideas for the New City, May 7.


Marc Breslin, "Casual curses are the most effective", April 21 - June 5.


Alessandro Roma, "Sites of Action", February 26 - April 17.


Michael Stuart, "Contingencies", January 8 - February 20.