






Lecco, Italy 1936 - 2008






BA in Applied Arts, Scuola Superiore d’Arte del Castello Sforzesco, Milan, Italy






“Antonio Scaccabarozzi, dello spazio e della luce”, curated by Flaminio Gualdoni, Galleria Monopoli, Milan, Italy


“Threshold of Perception”, Scaramouche, New York, NY
“Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Galeriehaus Clement & Schneider, Bonn, Germany
“Misurare la quantita' e no”, Galleria Clivio, Parma, Italy
“Introduction to the Void”, Nuova Galleria Morone, Milan, Italy
“Merate ricorda Antonio Scaccabarozzi” curated by Elisabetta Parente, Merate, Italy


“Method–Emotion”, Api Sondrio, Morbegno, Italy

“Francois Morellet – Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Palazzo Municipale di Morterone, Lecco, Italy



“The Certainty of Doubt”, Spazio Heart, Vimercate, and Villa Confalonieri, Merate, Italy

“Antonio Scaccabarozzi: Variable”, Fondazione Antonio Calderara, Vacciago, Italy



“Homage to Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland

“Antonio Scaccabarozzi: Anthology 1965-2008”, P420, Bologna, Italy



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi: Talent and Rigor”, Scuola di Musica Villa d’Adda Mariani, Casatenovo, Italy



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Yellow of Naples”, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzlerland



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Polietilene”, House of Art, Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic

“Raumwechsel 5”, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi – Giovanni Sabatini”, Tufano Studio 25, Milan, Italy



“Günther Holder – Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland

“Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Cairn Gallery, Pittenweem, United Kingdom

“Antonio Scaccabarozzi: Banchise”, Sleeper, Edinburgh, Scotland



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi: Cronologica”, Spazio Arte Festa Provinciale dell’Unita', Osnago, Italy



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi: Body of the work and depth of the gaze”, Kunsthistorisches Institute, Bonn University, Germany

“Helmut Albert – Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Galerie Krohn, Badenweiler, Germany

“Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Essentials”, Galerie St. Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany



“When Horst Schuler” with Stéphane Bordarier, Citadellstrasse 10, Düsseldorf, Germany



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Scuola di Musica Villa d’Adda Mariani, Casatenovo, Italy

“Reason – Emotion” with Jorrit Tornquist, Torre Viscontea, Lecco, Italy

“Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



“Dirnaichner – Scaccabarozzi”, Galerie Ucher, Cologne, Germany



“Essentials, Work in Progress”, Galerie Krohn, Badenweiler, Germany



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

“25 References”, Sala Civica Comunale, Merate, Italy



“Antonio Scaccabarozzi”, Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany

“Antiono Scaccabarozzi: Retrospective 1965-1993”, Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany



“Antiono Scaccabarozzi”, Galerie Luise Krohn, Badenweiler, Germany



“Quantities”, Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany

“Essentials”, Centro d’Arte Santelmo, Salo’, Italy



Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzlerland



Galerie Hock, Krefeld, Germany

Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzerland

“26 Double Watercolors”, A. Rasi, Padua, Italy

Centro Studi Merate, Merate, Italy



Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany

Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



Galerie Lydia Megert, Art Basel 12, Basel, Switzerland



Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzerland

Sala Comunale Turati, Merate, Italy



“Approval Paradox – I/Memory” with Nato Frascà, Il Politecnico Arti Visive, Rome, Italy



“Certainly a Visual Way to Measure the Gallery Ferrari”, Galleria Ferrari, Verona, Italy

“Paintings”, Galerie Swart, Amsterdam, Netherlands

“Minimal Difference”, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy



“Ambiguous Concept of Prevalence”, Galleria d’Arte Il Sole, Bolzano, Italy



Centro RS, Como, Italy

“Prevalence”, Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzerland

Centro del Portello, Genoa, Italy



Studio Casati, Merate, Italy



Galerie Thomas Keller, Munich, Germany

Galerie Seestrasse, Rapperswill, Switzerland



Galleria d’ Arte del Cavallino, Venice, Italy

Galleria della Cappelletta, Osnago, Italy

"Dadamaino – Scaccabarozzi", Galerie Ubu, Karlsruhe, Germany

"A. D. Trantenroth – Scaccabarozzi", Galerie Reckermann, Cologne, Germany

Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzerland



Centro d’Arte Santelmo, Salo’, Italy

Galleria del Barba, Castellanza, Italy



Galleria Uxa, Novara, Italy

Galerie Ernst, Hannover, Germany



Galleria S. Chiara, Brescia, Italy

Centro La Comune, Brescia, Italy



“Continuous Rotation, Execution of An Ambient Work”, Santa Margherita Ligure, Genoa, Italy



Centro Culturale Elio Agresti, Milan, Italy






“Scaccabarozzi, Grygar, Morellet”, Galerie Petr Zaloudek, Prague, Czech Republic

“Opposition: Scaccabarozzi, Wilding, Megert”, Galerie La Ligne, Zurich, Switzerland

“Intro”, Clement & Schneider, Bonn, Germany

“Concrete Art in Europe after 1945”, The Peter C. Ruppert Collection, Museum Im kulturspreicher, Würzburg, Germany

“Material – Collector’s choice only”, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany

“Traces of the contemporary”, Villa Tittoni, Desio, Italy

“50 Opere tra Segno e Scrittura”, Galleria Francesco Clivio, Milan, Italy



“Es werde farbe, 20 artists”, Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany

“Materie”, Must – Museum of Vimercate, Italy

“Morterone: una soglia poetica”, curated by Epicarmo Invernizzi and Francesca Pola, Palazzo delle Paure, Lecco, Italy

“Italia Zero/Cross Reference”, Galleria Kanalidarte, Brescia, Italy

“Painting and Beyond”, Kunstgalerie Bonn, Germany



“Georgio Griffa, Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Andreas Karl Schulze”, Galerie Krohn, Basel, Switzerland

“Scaccabarozzi–Pignatelli–Sapone”, Galerie La Ligne, Zürich, Switzerland

“6 Rooms”, Fondazione Berardelli, Brescia, Italy

“Superfici Sensibili, Dialoghi con il supporto”, CAmeC, La Spezia, Italy



“1 opera per 1 libro d’artista” with Ciam, Dreher, Hutchinson, Icaro, and Nonas, Bologna, Italy

“Segni e (non) sogni: Experimentalism and abstraction yesterday and today”, curated by G. Verzotti, Miart, Milan, Italy

“Yellow”, Maggio Biblioteca Comunale, Mezzago, Italy



“Galerie Lydia Megert: mise au point”, Galerie Annex, Bern, Switzerland

“Alphabet of the mind”, P420, Bologna, Italy

“Oltreluogo – Da Gianni Colombo a Joseph Beuys”, Associazione Heart, Vimercate, Italy

“#11”, Kunstraum Alexander Bürkle, Freiburg, Germany



“Brianza: terra d’artisti. Qui, già, oltre”, curated by S. Bartolena, in mulitple locations: Osnago, Agrate, Bernareggio, Mezzago, Paderno d’Adda, Italy

“SchauLager – LagerSchau 2”, Galerie St. Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany



“Arbeiten auf Papier – konkret. 40 Jahre Galerie St. Johann”, Galerie St. Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany



“Viaggio in Italia, Arte Italiana 1960/1990”, Neue Galerie Graz, Landesmuseum Joanneum, Austria

Kunst in Basel, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland

“Dedicate 3”, Cavenaghi Arte, Milan, Italy



“8 x Konkret”, Beardsmore Gallery, London, United Kingdom

“Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Carte Blanche à Eric de Chassey et Pierre Wat”, Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France

“Thank You: De Schenkingen Merkus en Cleveringa”, Stedelijk Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden, Netherlands



“Wunderkammer”, Galerie St. Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany

“Close Proximity: Works of Intimate Scale”, Wade Wilson Art, Houston, Texas

“4”, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland

“Art multiple”, Espace de l’Art Concret Donation Albers-Honegger, Mouans-Sartoux, France



Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel, Switzerland

“Reason - Emotion”, Torre Viscontea, Lecco, Italy

Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



“Artists' Books”, Villa Vertua, Nova Milanese, Italy

“Mulitiple Grafik und Objekte II”, Galerie St. Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany

“Carte 2, La meridiana”, Agrate Brianza, Italy

“Contagio”, curated by E. Longari, Mudima Foundation, Milan, Italy



“Multiple Grafik und Objekte”, Galerie St. Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany

“Sentieri dell’arte - Libri d’artista”, curated by E. Longari, Corte a Vlenti, Garbagnate Milanese, Italy

“Triangolino”, Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge, Ireland

“Hommage to... the square?”, Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany

6th Sharjah International Biennial, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates



“Das entgrenzte bild”, Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany

“25+25”, Galerie St. Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany

“Giorgio Morandi e I Morandiani”, curated by A. Madesani, Galleria d’Arte Contemporanea, Cascina Roma, San Donato Milanese, Milan, Italy



“Poesie der Farbe”, Galerie St.Johann, Saarbrücken, Germany

“Das entgrenzte Bild”, Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung, Bonn, Germany

"Das entgrenzte Bild”, Museum Schloss Salder, Salzgitterer-Salder, Germany



10th Gmundner Symposium: “Das entgrenzte Bild”, Gmunden, Austria

“Mailart”, Sharjah Art Museum, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates



“Matériau: couleur”, Le 19 Neuf – Centre Régional d'Art Contemporain, Montbéliard, France 



“Die Musik ist wie die Malerei”, 20 Jahre Galerie K. Rabus, Bremen, Germany

Collezione Calderara, Refettorio delle Stelline, Milan, Italy

“Morterone between nature and art. Figures of construction”, Torre Viscontea, Lecco, Italy

“Carte blanche pour la couleur”, Galerie du Jour Agnès B., Paris, France

“Calderara and the artists of his collection”, Centro Culturale d’Arte La Canonica, Novara, Italy

“Das Soll Kunst Sein”, Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany



“Towards the sun”, Galleria Melesi, Lecco, Italy

“Posizione Kappa”, Palazzina Azzurra, S. Benedetto del Tronto, Italy



“Atracchi”, Palazzo Comunale, Agrate, Italy

“Ambarambacicicocò”, Erospazio, Verona, Italy

“New works on paper”, Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany

“Opere anni ‘70”, Galleria Spriano, Omegna, Italy

“Transparenz”, Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany



1st Trevi Prize, Flash Art Museum, Palazzo Lucarini, Trevi, Italy

“Point of View”, installation at Monticelli Brusati, Italy,

“Hipothese Experiment Erfindung”, Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany

“Farbe-Conkrete Kunst”, Galerie im Hause Dacheröden, Erfurt, Germany

“Blau”, Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



“Art & Tabac”, Osterreischisches Tabak Museum, Vienna, Austria

Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



Galleria d’arte Trezzo, Trezzo sull’Adda, Italy

“Die Kunst zu andem”, Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



“Art & Tabac”, Scuderie di Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome, Italy



“Per incantamento segno e disegno”, Villa Tittoni Traversi, Desio, Italy



“Entschieden+Consequent”, Galerie Dr. Luise Krohn, Badenweiler, Germany

Galleria la Meridiana, Agrate, Italy



“Temporale”, Städtische Galerie Lüdenscheid, Germany

“Temporale”, Kunstmuseum Mülheim an der Ruhr in der alten Post, Mülheim, Germany

“Farbe und struktur”, Galerie Dr. Luise Krohn, Badenweiler, Germany



“Emotion und Methode”, Kunstverein Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany

“Emozione e Metodo”, Kunstverein Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

“Le Coin”, Museum Cantonal des Beaux Arts, Sion, Switzerland

“Die ecke”, Kunstverein Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany

“A postcard for the collection”, Calderara Foundation, Vacciago, Italy



“Emozione e Metodo”, Galerie der Kunstler, Munich, Germany



“Quadreria”, Centro RS, Como, Italy

“Per Nanni Valentini”, Koh-I-Noor, Milan, Italy

“Per Nanni Valentini”, Rondottanta, Sesto S. Giovanni, Milan, Italy

“Drawing in Como 1900 to 1986”, Salone S. Francesco, Como, Italy

“Die ecke - The corner - Le Coin”, Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, Germany

“The boys of ‘36”, Centro Annunciata, Milan, Italy



“Raccolta Cernuschi Ghiringhelli”, Museo Villa Croce, Genoa, Italy

“Works on paper”, Galerie Katrin Rabus, Bremen, Germany



“Psichiatria-Nicaragua”, Villa Borromeo, Arcore, Italy

“Psichiatria-Nicaragua”, Palazzo Falk, Lecco, Italy



Arte rassegna 1983, Palazzo Comunale, Bernareggio, Italy



“Arte nel Veneto ‘70-’80 ”, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Massa, Venice, Italy

“Extramedia”, Galleria di Cà Pesaro, Venice, Italy

“Medium Papier”, Städtische Galerie Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany



“Das Papier”, Leopold-Hoesch Museum, Düren, Germany

“30 years of Italian Art 1950-1980”, Villa Manzoni, Lecco, Italy



“Itineraries in Contemporary Art”, Museo Vivo, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy



“Mostra numero cento”, Galleria Il Sole, Bolzano, Italy

“99 sculture di artisti contemporanei”, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy

"Artists Books”, Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzerland



“Documenti ‘77 l’interrogazione sistematica”, Centro Rizzoli, Milan, Italy

XXIII Rassegna nazionale d’arte, Castello Svevo, Termoli, Italy

“Kunstszene Oberitalien”, Galerie Pa Szepan, Gelsenkirchen, Germany

“Poetry and Prose of the Avant garde”, Abano Terme, Italy

“Der rahmen, meine welt”, Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, Austria

“Grafica Contemporanea Internazionale”, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy



“Rationale Konzepte ‘77”, Galerie Pa Szepan, Gelsenkirchen, Germany

“Systematic interrogation: Frasca', Minoli, Scaccabarozzi”, Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, Italy

Studio Rotelli, Finale Ligure Borgo, Italy

Galleria d’arte Il Falconiere, Falconara, Italy

Centro Gallignano Arte, Gallignano, Italy

Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzerland

“De-costruction, Sequence, Monochromes”, Centro RS, Como, Italy



“Grand et jeunes d’aujourd’hui”, Grand Palais, Paris, France

“E.S.R”, Centro RS, Como, Italy

“Me' fiez vous de l’art”, Kunstmuseum Olten, Olten, Switzerland

“500 artisti per le fabbriche in lotta”, Palazzo della Permanente, Milan, Italy

“Exploration of perception”, Palazzo della Ragione, Bergamo, Italy

“Colore: XII Silvestro Lega Award”, Modigliana, Italy



“Sull’opera come campo”, Centro Gallignano Arte, Gallignano, Italy

“5 Years of Galerie Thomas Keller”, Starnberg, Germany

“Momenti e tendenze nel costruttivismo”, Galleria Buonaparte, Milan, Italy

“10 CP”, Galleria Milano, Milan, Italy

“Internationale Kleinformat”, Galerie Seestrasse, Rapperswil, Switzerland

“Proposte ‘75”, Il Cortilaccio, Turin, Italy

“Konstructive Kunst”, Spreitenbach, Switzerland



“Kunstler machen fahnen”, Rottweil, Germany

IX Internationalen Malerwochen, Neue Galerie, Graz, Austria

“Esposition des petits format”, Galerie Lydia Megert, Bern, Switzerland

Studio Casati, Merate, Italy



“Faites vos jeu”, Galleria del Cavallino, Venice, Italy

“Incontro artistico”, Palazzo Comunale, Ardesio, Italy

Galerie Thomas Keller, Munich, Germany

Galleria Uxa, Novara, Italy

Galleria della Cappelletta, Osnago, Italy



“Appunti sul nostro tempo”, Palazzo Comunale, Lonato, Italy

“Bianco e bianco”, Galleria Uxa, Novara, Italy



“Arte moltiplicata internazionale”, Centro 2B, Bergamo, Italy

“Riusciranno i nostri artisti a fare la storia dell’arte?”, Centro La Comune, Brescia, Italy

“Aspetti del visivo”, Galleria S. Chiara, Brescia, Italy

“Grafica 70”, Galleria Amodulo, Brescia, Italy

Centro La Comune, Brescia, Italy

“Arte per Arte”, Le Pavoniere, Florence, Italy

“Peau de lion”, Kunsthaus, Zurich, Switzerland



Galleria Il Giorno, Milan, Italy

Oblastni Galerii, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic



“I multipli”, Galleria Milano, Milan, Italy

“Un paese piu' l’avanguardia artistica”, Anfo, Italy

“Oggetti in serie a funzione estetica”, Galleria Sincron, Brescia, Italy



“Sette giovani pittori”, Galleria Primopiano, Padua, Italy






'Artistic Encounter in Ardesio' exhibition catalog edited by Cesare Fioretti, forward by Umbro Apollonio. Palazzo Comunale, Ardesio 1972.


Ernesto L. Francalanci, 'Faites votre jeu', Cavallino Editions, Venice 9/30/1973.


Ernesto L. Francalanci, exhibition catalog presentation ‘A. Scaccabarozzi at Galleria del Cavallino’, Venice 2/13/1973.


Ernesto L. Francalanci, exhibition catalog presentation 'Scaccabarozzi', Galleria della Capelletta, Osnago, 1/13/1973.


Paolo Rizzi, 'Scaccabarozzi', Gazzettino, Venice, 9/30/1973.


Tommaso Trini, 'Concrete art and other branches of the abstract tree', Magazine IBM Vol. #4, 1973.


Wilfried Skreiner, exhibition catalog 'Werke der internationalen IX malerwochen in der steiermark', Neue Galerie, Graz, 5/10/1974.


Vanni Scheiwiller, exhibition catalog presentation ‘A.Scaccabarozzi’, Studio Casati, Merate 1975.


Urs and Rös Graf, ‘Interview with six Italian artists’, Werk/oeuvre, Bern, March 1975.


'Color' Silvestro Lega Award, catalog curated by Umbro Apollonio, Luciano Caramel, Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco. Modigliana, 7/31/76, and Forlì 9/26/76.


'Méfiez-vous de l'art' exhibition catalog edited by Helmut Dudé, Kunstmuseum Olten, 5/9/76.


'The exploration of perception' catalog preface by Umbro Apollonio, Palazzo della Ragione, Bergamo, 1976.


Mario Radice, 'Composition with dots' La Provincia, Como, 2/12/1976.


Franco Cajani, 'Brianza Little Homeland' Art Editions, Desio, Milan, 1976.


'Systematic interrogation: Frascà, Minoli, Scaccabarozzi’, texts by Luciano Caramel, Claudia Terenzi, Alberto Veca. Galleria Lorenzelli, Bergamo, July 1976.


Germano Beringheli 'And yet, to reason is beautiful’, Il Lavoro, Genoa 7/17/1977.


'Rationale Konzepte 77', catalog and exhibitions curated by Reinhold Lange and Pa Szepan. Galerie Pa Szepan, Städtische Kunstsammlung Gelsenkirchen. Kunstverein Oldenburg, Germany, 1977.


Alberto Veca, catalog text for the exhibition ‘A.Scaccabarozzi, The ambiguous concept of prevalence', Il Sole, Bolzano, 1977.


Luciano Caramel, exhibition catalog presentation 'Systematic interrogation, de-construction, sequence, monochrome', Centre RS, Como, 1977.


Brunella Antomarini, exhibition catalog text, 'Systematic interrogation – Gallignano' documents’, Gallignano Art Center, Gallignano, AN, Sept. 1977.


Giovanni Anzani, exhibition catalog text, ‘Systematic interrogation’, Falconer Gallery, Falconara Ancona, 7/16/1977.


Paola Mola, exhibition catalog text, ‘Systematic interrogation’, Studio Rotelli, Finale Ligure Borgo, 9/7/1977.


Vanni Scheiwiller, 'Strictly non-figurative', The European #26, July 1977.


Pino Viscusi, 'Systematic interrogation', Il Giornale di Bergamo, 6/14/1977.


Francesco Saba Sardi, 'Calderara Collection', Art Grafica Omegna, 1978.


Alberto Veca, exhibition catalo text, ‘A. Scaccabarozzi, A visual way to measure the Galleria Ferrari', Galleria Ferrari, Verona 1978.


Herbert Distel 'The Museum of Drawers', catalogue of the smallest museum of modern art in the 20th Century, with works by over 500 artists. Kunsthaus Zürich, 1978.


Attilio Marcolli, exhibition catalog presentation, 'Document 77', Centro Rizzoli, Milan, Jan. 1978.


Alberto Veca, exhibition catalog text, ‘A.Scaccabarozzi, Minimal differences', Gallery Lorenzelli, Bergamo, May 1978.


Edgarda Ferri 'Chronicle of an auction', Art Prospects, Year V, #21, 1979.


'Das Papier', Geschichte Herstellung Künstlerische Gestaltung, curated by Dorothea Eimert, Leopold-Hoesch Museum, Duren, May 1981.


'30 Years of art Italian 1950/1980, ‘The emerging structure and languages ​​expropriated languages’, exhibition catalog with texts by Eligio Cesana and Luisa Somaini, Villa Manzoni, Lecco, Nov. 1981 – Jan. 1982.


'Medium Papier' texts by Vomm Wolfgang and Dorothea Eimert, Städtisce Galerie, Villa Zander, Bergisch Gladbach, July 1982.


'Projections, Art in Veneto’, exhibition catalog edited by Toni Toniato, Venice, June 1982.


Alberto Veca, exhibition catalog text, ‘A. Scaccabarozzi, Unlimited quantities' Galerie Hoffmann, Friedberg, August 1983.


Luigi Erba, 'A.Scaccabarozzi', Giornale di Lecco, 8/29/1983.


'Art Festival 1983, Appearances in Brianza' exhibition catalog, City of Bernareggio, June 1983.


'1930/1980 Abstract Art in Italy', Cernuschi Ghiringhelli Collection, texts by C. Maltese, G. Giubbini, L. Caramel, P.Fossati, R.Guasco, F.Sborgi, A.Pohribny. Villa Croce, Genoa; Electa Publishing, 1985.


'The Boys of' 36’, Collana dell’Angelo, curated by Bruno Grossetti, text by Maurizio Chierici, Centro Annunciata, Announced, Milan, 1986.


Christine Brunner, exhibition catalog presentation, ‘A.Scaccabarozzi, Quantity', Galerie Hock Krefeld, June 1986. Galerie Rabus, Bremen, Sept. 1986.


'Die ecke the corner le coin', text by Verena Auffermann, Edition Hoffmann Friedberg, 1986.


'Method and Emotion', texts Eberhard Simons, Wolf-Dieter Enkelmann, Jockel Heenes. Kunsthalle Darmstadt, May 1988, Hirmer Publishing.


Britta Hueck-Ehmer, '6 Künstler 6 Räume Jeder für sich einen Besuch Wert', Lüdenscheider Nachrichten, 5/21/1990.


Christine Dirnaichner 'Thunderstorm', exhibition catalog texts by Uwe Obier. Städtische Galerie, Lüdenscheid, May 1990. Städtische Museum, Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, August 1990.


Mauro Panzera, exhibition catalog text, 'A. Scaccabarozzi, Essential Quantities’, Centro dell’Arte Santelmo Salo’, March 1991.


Museum of Contemporary Art in Genoa, 'Cernuschi Ghiringhelli Collection', texts by Guido Jackets and Sandra Solimano. Colombo Genova Editions, 1991.


'Only Papier?', texts by Wolfgang Vomm and Regine Klein. Städtische Galerie, Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach, 1992.


'Art & Tabac' Pierre Restany Editions, C.T. Milano 1993.


Museum für Kunst Konkrete Ingolstadt. Braus Editions, Heidelberg 1993.


Gisela Moftakar, 'Architectur und Kunst in neuer Symbiose', Wetterauer Zeitung, 9/13/1993.


Stefania Cattaneo, 'Today an exhibition of Scaccabarozzi in Civic Hall', La Provincia, 9/4/1994.


Luigi Erba, 'The floor continues on the walls', Giornale di Lecco, April 1994.


'Antonio Scaccabarozzi', text by Wolfgang Vomm. Städtische Galerie, Villa Zanders, Bergisch Gladbach, 1994.


Ludwig Ammann, ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Essentials – Work in Progress', Badische Zeitung, 3/29/1995.


Volker Bauermeister, 'Farbe mit der Wand verzahnt – Antonio Scaccabarozzi in der Galerie Luise Krohn', Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 8/4/1995.


'The mysterious world behind tarred barriers', Scaccabarozzi and Dirnaichner, Galerie Ucher. J.K. Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger #171, 7/25/1996.


'1st Trevi Prize – Flash Art Museum', Giancarlo Politi Publisher 1996.


Francesco Brambilla, 'Contemporary painting comes to the fore with Scaccabarozzi and Tornquist', La Provincia, Lecco, 5/23/1998.


Enrico Bassani 'Scaccabarozzi. A questioning itinerary’, Giornale di Lecco, 5/25/1998.


Luigi Erba, exhibition text, 'Reason Emotion', Lecco Arts Festival 1998.


Roberta Ridolfi, exhibition catalog text, 'Position Kappa-Art Installed', Palazzina Azzurra, San Benedetto del Tronto A.P. 1998.


'Collezione Calderara' by Skira Editore 1998.


Francesco Tedeschi, 'Figures of construction', Lecco Arts Festival 1999.


Luigi Erba, exhibition catalog text, ‘A. Scaccabarozzi’, Villa d'Adda Mariani Casatenovo 1999.


Anne-Marie Bonnet, exhibition catalog text, 'Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Alchemy, Light and Color'. Horst Schuler, Dusseldorf March 1999.


Luigi Erba, 'Art: New Route', Giornale di Lecco, June 1998.


'La couleur, comme preoccupation essentielle', Vu du Doubs #85, Sept. 2000 (red.) Alain Roy 'Trois pour la couleur' ​​Le Pays, Montbéliard, 9/22/2000.


Mel Gooding, 'Material Colour' catalog essay, Centre 10Neuf, Montbéliard, Sept. 2000.


Hans-Jürgen Buderer, 'Das entgrenzte Bild', Dietfried Gerhardus (Hg.) Verlag St.Johann, Saarbrücken 2001.


Martin Engler, ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi / Helmut Albert in der Galerie Krohn', Kunst–Bulletin CH, Dec. 2001.


Martin Engler, 'Das Spiel von Alt und Jung', Badische Zeitung, 11/2/2001.


Klaus Karich, 'Würde der Fragwürdigkeit', Salzgitter-Zeitung, 12/06/2001.


Angela Madesani, catalog text, ‘Giorgio Morandi and the "Morandi-ists"’, Cascina Roma Contemporary Art, San Donato Milanese, May 2002.


Natasha Rouchota, ‘A special exhibition in San Donato Milanese', AVTI Athens, May 31, 2002


Seán Shanahan, catalog presentation, 'Scaccabarozzi', Triangolino The Italian Connection, The Riverbank Art Centre, 2003.


Elizabetta Longari, catalog essay, 'The Universe in a book ...', Sentieri dell’arte, Municipality of Garbagnate Milanese, Sept. 2003.


'Innovation konstruktiv konkret visuell konzeptuell' (10.Gmundner Symposium), Ritter Verlag-Wien / Klagenfurt, 2003


"Sharjah International Biennial 6", 2003 catalog. Antonio Scaccabarozzi pgs. 352–355.


"Sharjah International Biennial 6" 2003 Catalogne Guide, pgs. 146–147.


Francesco Tedeschi, exhibition catalog text, ‘Sabatini / Scaccabarozzi, Dialogue of times and places’, Tufano Studio 25, Milan, Dec. 2004.


Volker Bauermeister, 'Hier der Alltag küsst die Muse', Badische Zeitung, 3/16/2006.


Jirì Valoch, 'Antonio Scaccabarozzi – Polyethylene', Atelier, 12/10/2006.


Stephan Berg, exhibition catalog text, ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Das Gewicht des Bildes’, Galerie Katharina Krohn, Basel 2007.


Karim Ghaddab, ‘Colombe Marcasiano, Wade Saunders, Antonio Scaccabarozzi, E. Vander Meulen, Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris. Artpress November 2007.


Alberto Veca, 'Dedicate3', Cavenaghi Arte, Milan, Dec. 2007.


Monica Saccomandi, catalog text 'Rigor / Levity’ for the exhibition ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Talent and Rigor’, Villa d'Adda Mariani, Casatenovo, March 2009


Alberto Veca, ‘Lettura in distanza’ catalog poem for the exhibition ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Talent and Rigor’, Villa d'Adda Mariani, Casatenovo, March 2009


Elizabetta Longari, ‘I was sure that… I the painter’, Rivista Nuova Mèta, #31, Neos Editions 2010.


Simona Bartolena, 'Here Already Beyond', Silvana Publisher, February 2010.


Angela Madesani, catalog text 'Notes on the work of Antonio Scaccabarozzi', for the exhibition ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi’, P420 Gallery, Bologna, October 2010.


Natasha Rouchota, catalog text 'Dedicated to my playmate', for the exhibition ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi’, P420 Gallery, Bologna, October 2010


Alessandra Galusera, 'Polyethylene Art of the visible and invisible', Saggio, Oct. 2011. Catalog text, ‘The Certainty of Doubt’, heartbook, 11/3/2012.


Simona Bartolena, catalog exhibition text, ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Oltreluogo’, spazio Heart, Vimercate, November 2011.


Angela Madesani, catalog text, 'Unreadable Writings' for the exhibition ‘Alphabets of the mind’, P420 Gallery, Bologna, October 2011.


Natasha Rouchota, 'Titoli 4 veils of green earth’, Pulcino Elefante Editions, Osnago, March 2012.


Elizabetta Longari, catalog text, ‘L'école du regard’ for the exhibition ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi, Variables’, Vacciago, June 2012.


Natasha Rouchota, ‘Antonio Scaccabarozzi, The emotion of the method’, Crocetti Editions, Milan, June 2012.


Luigi Amato, essay ‘Cognitive and Experiential Paradigm of the Work of Antonio Scaccabarozzi’ in the book, ‘The emotion of the method’ by Natasha Rouchota, Crocetti Editions, Milan, June 2012.


Marzia Ratti, exhibition catalog text, ‘Sensitive Surfaces’, CAMEC, La Spezia, September 2012.


Simona Bartolena, ‘Measure, verify, accomplish, know... and always doubt’, heartbook, 11/3/2012.


Francesca Pola – Daria Ghirardini, exhibition catalog text, ‘François Morellet – Antonio Scaccabarozzi’, Morterone, July 2014.